What Top 15 Wisdoms Can Be Learned From This Covid19 Lockdown

1. Be Healthy

Disease doesn’t see who you are, whether you are poor or rich. It can happen to anyone. For example many prominent personalities such as Prince Charles of UK, UK PM, Russian PM, UK Health Minister, top ministers from US government, Famous Actor Tom Hanks, a few NBA stars, got infected with Covid19. Hence health is the most important component of your life. If you are not healthy you will not be able to give 100% to your work and family. If you are healthy you are an asset to your family otherwise you become liability. No one wants to be with patient. Hence it is highly imperative to focus on your health. It’s necessary for you to do physical activity such as walking, running, doing exercise etc to be healthy.

2. Be Patient

If good time passes, bad time will pass too. And remember bad time is a good teacher whereas good time does not do the same. Also during Bad time your patience and perseverance is tested. Pray and have faith in God and yourself.

3. Be a lifelong student

Always learn and upgrade your skills. Currently you have lot more time, you can learn new skills which will help you in your work after this crisis is over. You can also work on your hobbies or can develop the new one.

4. Be Consistent

Be consistent in your efforts, work and approach. Always remember it’s not the richest nor the intelligent person wins, it’s the person who is consistent in their work wins.

5. Do Savings for emergency

It’s highly advisable to do saving from your current income. If you have dependents such as kids, aging parents then at least 10% of your current income needs to be saved and kept as emergency fund.

6. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”, the famous quotation by Warren Buffett. You need to have at least 2 income sources rather than dependent on 1 income source. At least one income source must be able to provide you recurring income. This income must be such that even if you don’t work still it must be able to generate recurring income for you. For e.g. Rental income, income generated by ads on your blog, you tube channel, website etc.

7. “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need”

“If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need”, again one of the famous quotation by Warren Buffett. This is one of the hard truths of life which happens in every one’s life if you don’t follow this advice.

8. Take decisions wisely

Decisions in life can’t be entirely taken on emotions. It has to be mix of head, heart and data.

9. Spend time with your loved ones and kids

You have your loved ones, kids. Spend time with them, they need your time, love them the most because they love you the most. You are world to them.

10. Take risks, manage with backup

Don’t be afraid, Take risks in life, but to survive keep some back up money with you which will help you to survive in the bad times.

11. Push your limits

Nothing is impossible, believe you can do everything.

12. Install a new habit of getting up in the morning

Get up early morning by 05:00 AM. Follow 20/20/20 rule by Robin Sharma, 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of Journaling, reading to motivational books / watching motivational videos, 20 minutes of reviewing your work, business, business plan or learning or upgrading your skillset.

13. Stay motivated in tough times

Tough time can either make or break you. Learn to Bounce Back. Because at this time if you respond properly rather than react you can for sure can reach great heights in your life. Remember every one throughout the world is facing similar situation hence if it is tough time for you then all others are also facing the similar situation as you. It may be even worse hence be positive, stay motivated and move ahead.

14. Be resourceful

Many times it does not matter whether you have resources such as money, infrastructure, manpower etc. with you currently available or not but yes it does matter when it is required whether you are able to generate such resources to solve the challenges and achieve your goal. Hence we need to be resourceful.

15. Develop your survival instinct

In amid of Covid19 it is very important for us to develop our survival instinct. This epidemic is killing us physically and mentally. Until and unless we have higher survival instinct it is very difficult for us to fight back.

I hope this article helps. If you feel this is helpful please like and share this article.

Thank you,

Best Regards

Dyuti Lal

About the Author

Dyuti is an Analytics Enthusiast. She is an MBA in Finance and B.E in Computer Science. She has years of experience in the field of Analytics and is also the Co-founder, CEO, Nikhil Analytics. She has prior worked with companies like HCL Technologies, Deutsche Bank ,WNS, Reliance Capital etc.

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